Garden Hose and Portable Hose-End Sprinklers

Garden Hoses and Portable Hose-End Sprinklers
Garden Hose Timer

Attach a manual garden hose timer to one end of the hose  and the portable sprinkler to the other end.


The City offers FREE manual garden hose timers.


Attach the manual timer to the outdoor faucet


Set the timer to water a maximum of ¾” of an inch of water

The timer will stop the flow of water when the pre-set amount

of time has expired


Remember...turn off the water on the outdoor faucet when the time

has expired


Automatic garden hose timers are available from local retailers and on-line


Step-by-step “how to” on calibrating an irrigation system and portable hose-end sprinkler - Portable Hose-End Sprinkler

Portable Hose-End Sprinkler


Outdoor irrigation restrictions also

apply to portable hose-end sprinklers


Please Reference Current Water Use Restrictions and Water Conservation