Special Meeting of the City Commission - HYBRID

Calendar Date:
Monday, November 23, 2020 - 5:00pm

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Plant City, City Commission will hold a Special Meeting in the City Commission Chambers, Nettie Berry Draughon Municipal Building, 302 W. Reynolds Street, Plant City, Florida 33563, and virtually, by means of communications media technology, to which all interested persons are invited, at 5:00 pm on Monday, November 23, 2020.  

PLEASE NOTE:   Entrance can only be made using the City Hall North Doors closest the Flagpole.  

The agendas for In-person only City Commission Meetings are finalized on the Friday prior to the scheduled meeting date.  Click here to be taken to the published agenda.

The agenda's for hybrid meetings are published approx. 5 days prior to scheduled meeting date.

For City Commission Hybrid Meetings, the Notice with participation instructions is published approx. 5 days prior to the scheduled mtg date.  To access this page click here.

PLEASE ALSO BE ADVISED that to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to aid in the response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, all persons attending the public meeting will be required to sign in, to answer questions regarding potential exposure to COVID-19 within the past 14 days, to submit to temperature screening, and shall either wear face coverings or other cloth or material covering the nose and mouth, or to comply with all social distancing guidelines. Violations of these requirements may also result in removal from the meeting. Any person found to have a temperature of 100.4° or higher will be asked to leave.   Attendance to this meeting is strictly limited to seating available based upon COVID-19 precautions and social distancing guidelines.  Public seating will be on a first available or as available basis.